About CGAP

CGAP's research activities are carried out by five universities and NCVO;

Engagement and dissemination is coordinated by the Centre Hub which is based at Cass Business School and NCVO.

CGAP aims to:

  • conduct and promote high quality research on giving and philanthropy;

  • foster creative knowledge exchange between academic and practice communities;

  • develop and disseminate the evidence base to inform policy and practice;

  • build the field through training new researchers;

  • encourage the development of sector research capacity;

  • work internationally and in a multi-disciplinary way

Professor Jenny Harrow and Professor Cathy Pharoah have been appointed as Co-Directors of the Centre, to bring collective academic and practice experience to the role, and demonstrate the Centre’s commitment to working across academic and practice communities.

For fuller information related to current debates on the role of CGAP’s work, see the recent statement from the Funders (pdf) and the initial documentation on the Call for the Centre (pdf), which we have made available.

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