New Giving research launched at Giving Green Paper seminar

Feb 16, 2011 | Category: Household and Individual Giving

CGAP and the Centre for Market and Public Organisation (CMPO) launched their new research at a seminar organised by CGAP, CMPO, EAPG and NCVO. The seminar considered the challenges and issues raised in the government’s recent Giving Green Paper

The seminar was chaired by Cathy Pharoah and speakers included Sophia Oliver, Giving Deputy Director, Cabinet Office Strategy Unit, Gerry Stoker, University of Southampton and Sally Hibbert, Nottingham University Business School. CGAP researcher Tom McKenzie presented the new research with Sarah Smith and Edd Cowley from CMPO. The report entitled ‘The new state of donation: three decades of household giving to charity 1978-2008’ finds that fewer households are giving now than in 1978, but that donors give more.  Read the summary (pdf) and the full report (pdf).

Cathy Pharoah talks to Alex Ritson about the resilience of charity donations during the economic recession as part of the Cass Talks series.

Seminar Presentations

Sarah Smith, Edd Cowley and Tom McKenzie ‘Three Decades of Household Giving 1978-2008’ (pdf)

Gerry Stoker ‘Changing Civic Behaviour’ (pdf)

Sally Hibbert ‘Insights from consumer behaviour’ (pdf)

Sarah Smith ‘New directions for policy’ (pdf)

Seminar notes (pdf) by Hannah Pavey, CGAP

Session 2 notes (pdf) by Amanda Basi, EAPG

Media Coverage 'Blow for Big Society as donations stall'

Guardian 'Big society equals big slog for charities'

UKFundraising 'UK giving hasn't risen as proportion of household spending in 20 years'

Third Sector 'Financial incentives would be the best way to increase giving, says banker'

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